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Our Group

The group includes several trademarks working in the fields of marketing strategies, artistic and media production, content creation, and organizing events, exhibitions and conferences. With the addition of an e-commerce platform.

The group formation strategy and business model aims to create the so-called front and back integration between (brands with service activities) with (brands with commercial activities) to reach our products and services to our customers and consumers with the highest standards of quality and the best competitive advantages as a result of this integration. provided that the integration is to serve the group Primarily and then provide those services to other companies outside the group.


Broadcasting |  Media Production  |  Exhibitions & Conferences Organizing |  Commercial Agencies

Media & Consulting

Media Broadcasting and Business Consulting


Case Study  |  Business Model  |  Marketing Strategy
Research  |  Segmentation  |  Analysis

Before Everything

It's a set of Sequential steps
This is marketing


Production & Consulting   |   Advertising Campaigns  TV Programs  |  Branding  |  Products Design

Original Production

Be up to date and
Stay current, Don’t talk about yourself.


Wear  |  Care   |  Food  |  Cook
Spare |  Home  |   Make

New Look Shopping

Be Special & Buy Original
We deliver Quality & Quickly


Internal Tourism | Organizing Events | Motorbikes Barbecue | Camping | Diving | Hunting

Explore Egypt

Organizing  Events and Internal  Tourism By   Motorbikes